
What We think Is Awesome

Helping you heal is Awesome. To feel better from headaches, low back pain, asthma, fibromyalgia, or whiplash is just Awesome. Being healthy makes life easier, you move free act wonderfully and are yourself again. As you read our posts and pages you will see some odd nuances.

  • “We” is often capitalized:  this gives the credit where credit is due.  We is the Divine Healer given to each person in our office to help you get out of pain, rebuild your body and optimize your health.
  • Our site is more about you than us.  Our office is designed for you, not us.  The doctor doesn’t even have an office or a telephone.  What good would it be to have him sit on the phone when he could be helping so many sick people?
  • Promoting health and healing through the DREAM Principle is of the utmost importance.  We believe that our site should be more engaging than promoting.

We think that helping you is Awesome!

Call our office today to live the DREAM life  810-225-7246